Estephanie Barrera [she/they] is a queer Mexican-American graphic designer and illustrator. She is currently working at Sony Pictures. She focuses on work made with the intent of using design as a community resource, with and for people, that is fueled by research, understanding, empathy, + love.
Como Se Dice
Editorial Design,
Printing + Binding
Printing + Binding
Made under the guidance and community of the Useful School folks.
Chillona Self-Care Kit + Zine
2022A typographic exploration about the intersection between ethnicity, identity, and racial healing through typography.
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Editorial Design,
Printing + Binding
Printing + Binding
Sony Pictures Entertainment
2023-2024Various graphic design work for the Sony Pictures Consumer Products Team.
Please reach out for viewing access.
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Please reach out for viewing access.
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Merch and marketing materials designer
Lo-media Media Club
Art Direction, Brand Identity, + Graphic Design
Kelz Music
2023Cover art design for Kelz’s latest remix EP with accompanying video visuals and promotional tour posters.
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Graphic Design
Photos taken by Kelly Truong
Nike Annual Report
2022A digital impact report created for NIKE’s FY21 year meant to highlight the brand’s strides towards diversity, sustainability, and financial results for the 2021 year.
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Art Direction, Illustrations, Website Prototyping + Graphic Design
Elysian Floral
2022Elysian floral is a high-end floral business located in Los, Angeles California. Elysian speaks to the romantic, the lover, and the friend whose love language is gift-giving.
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Art Direction, Photography, Brand Identity, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, + Packaging
Bilingual Refugee Booklet + App
2022With Guatemala having the largest amount of Latinx Refugees coming into the United States, the the Cultural Orientation Resource Center needed a guidebook to help welcome incoming refugees.
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Art Direction, Editorial Design, Printing + Binding, App Design